Pros and Cons of Social Networking Sites

Social Networking Sites such as facebook and twitter have exploded in recent years and young surfers in particular have became ardent fans of this dynamic, universal and high tech way to connect to friends and hooking up with likeminded people. SNS is a way of connecting with people in the virtual world. There are many public and private and online SNS with the best known as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Instagram, pinterest,   and many more. Facebook is one of the biggest site with over 300 million users. Usually free to join and open to all SNS allow registered user to set up personal profiles and then communicate with friends, share photos, update status and the most important chat in real time. Now a day’s SNS has became integral part of life of peoples. But the SNS has many Pros and Cons hidden inside them which user must keep in mind.

Pros of SNS

SNS offers powerful, inexpensive tools to stay connected with people, to get in touch with those latest whereabouts you want to know, current updates on latest developments round the globe, and for business to expand their market reach. Used diligently, SNS can help business widen their circle of contact, create a communication platform with their clients and advertise for free. User can use social networking sites to promote his Art and Talent. The social media is a great tool for learning and knowledge dissemination. It provides the most effective platform to raise voice and share views fearlessly on any issue. It can be an effective tool to spread awareness among people and to motivate mass behavioral change.

Cons of SNS

Privacy is always a concern for any communication carried out online and people do not realize risk involved in exposing of much information on SNS. Cyber bulling & stalking where malicious comments are posted online about an individual and or individual receives abusive msg. is the very disturbing part for any user. SNS accounts are always vulnerable to hacking. Harassment in the form of Cyber Stalking is another con. Since who saw the info shared by user is not controlled in a SNS, User can be a easy victim of identity theft. Over sharing personal information may result in embarrassment too. Another danger is that scammers use social networking sites to trick people into downloading malicious software (malware).This virtual social networking swaps one from real social network. Continuously being online has made direct talking a matter of least priority which will weaken society in the long run.


Like every coin has two sides, SNS are not exception they have pros and cons both. Proper use of SNS can boon lives and relationship but misuse may lead to horrific and troublesome end. And with a few healthy habits, you can cop the cons of SNS. Just remember to be careful and responsible. Always remember there is a real world too out of the fascinating world of SNS. Use SNS but don't get addicted. Rather than worrying for no. of likes, composing tweets and a perfect selfie, we have to learn to "live in present". Striking a balance would open a door of boons otherwise cons are always ready to attack you.    

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